Archbishop Desmond Tutu
[embed][/embed] A few words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Patron of the Rainmaker Foundation...
[embed][/embed] A few words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Patron of the Rainmaker Foundation...
‘Everyone wants to make a positive difference in the world…If you are fortunate enough to have the financial wherewithal, it is a wonderful thing to be able to do. Making someone happy, comfortable, feel loved or accepted or safe is a very powerful thing…There are...
[embed][/embed] Clive talks about the generosity of a prisoner on death row....
Anna Orford shares a tale about Ted and the impact that being generous has had on her life. Thanks so much for sharing Anna....
Roger is a retired surgeon living in Guernsey who for the last 10 years of his working life also spent a day a week in Southampton as a breast cancer consultant. Working in Guernsey he knew about the bank of stored blood samples collected from...
Just to prove you don’t need to be superman to be a leader and change-maker, here are a couple of fun and famous examples. One is about starting a movement, the other about how one man tackled a multi-national and won! ...
We need a different approach to those who battle addiction - a more compassionate approach. Many of us know people who have battled with addiction in one form or another. In this talk Glennon Doyle Melton walks us through it. “People think of us addicts as...
The triple bottom line - where a business cares as much about people and the planet as profit - isn’t pie in the sky idealism. Hundreds of companies are already Benefit Corporations (Ben & Gerry’s is one of the higher profile ones). Progressive business people...
Injustice creates anger, which can lead to revenge, even war. We’ve hardly a track record to be proud of. Rather than accept the status quo, Scilla Elworthy is a life-long peace activist. She suggests there is evidence of a better way of overcoming oppression. Makes...
Clive Stafford-Smith is one of the world’s most respected, awarded, and recognised human rights lawyers. Listen to Clive talk about the death penalty, or drones or some of the things ‘civilised’ governments do in our name, and you will understand why he is so persuasive...
Mike shows how as humans we are at our happiest and healthiest when focused on the well-being of others.
Steve S.
‘That best portion of a good man’s life, his little, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.’
William Wordsworth
a cracking read and one which we should all share with our nearest and dearest.
Amazon Customer
‘If you think you are too small to make an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito.’
Dalai Lama
‘Teach this triple truth to all: a generous heart, kind speech and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.’
It's impossible not to read this book without wanting to take action and practise generosity
Amazon Customer
‘If you really care about your family, it’s best to do something to make the world a better place for your children and grandchildren, rather than just giving them money.’
Michael Bloomberg
I have to say that this is the kind of book that is more than just an enjoyable read. It is the sort of book that gets you to change the fundamentals of how you travel through the world. Buy it. Read it. Reflect on it. Act on it. A richer more rewarding life is on the other side.
Marc Winn
‘What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is in the end of little consequence; the only consequence is what we do.'
John Ruskin
An incredible, inspiring and timely book.
Mark Williamson
‘Kindness to people helps them recognise their value, and when they value themselves, they recognise the value of others.'
Orly Wahba
I met Mike for the first time, by chance, a few days ago. It says much for his generosity that he was prepared to give me his personal and only copy of Our Generous Gene. I was embarking on a trans Atlantic flight that afternoon. Once started I could not put it down. I read three quarters on the flight and the remainder the evening of my arrival. As I read the first half I felt slightly smug (u tube roger allsopp channel swim) When it came to the second half I realised just how far I have to go. This is a book that has the power to change lives. As I left the flight I certainly felt obliged to give a much more generous donation to the children's charity Changing Lives. A great book, life changing for me even at my advancing years.
A Book Review by Roger Allsop
‘If you have the means to do something today, be a game-changer and do it. Solve a problem, animate your passion while you can still know it, feel it. It’s like no other pleasure on earth.’
Dame Stephanie Shirley
‘Our path to happiness must begin on our doorstep, where we live; otherwise it is not ours.’
Richard Schoch
'Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.'
Robert F. Kennedy
This is a book that has the power to change lives.
Roger Allsop
A highly relevant read that brings lots of useful resources together and encourages us all to 'get a grip' and 'focus more on creating a life worth living'
Amazon Book Reviewer
Unlike most self help books out there, this one really does deliver.
Neal Gandhi
‘Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.’
Dalai Lama XIV
"Mike Dickson has been on a great mission – to inspire a world of greater generosity, because the more generous we are, the happier we are. He believes that we are all born generous, but we can easily lose our way. He has successfully inspired thousands of people to enjoy the gift of being more generous, and this book will inspire thousands more. Thank you Mike."
Nick Williams -
‘Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.’
Zig Ziglar
"Mike is a really inspiring guy. He's the real deal. He was immensely generous to me. I was establishing a big charity event and he sponsored me and all the key people involved. But just as important was the personal support he gave. I LOVE his secret generosity... but in a way he was secretly generous to me. He never asked for anything in return or any recognition. I couldn't believe someone I'd only just met being so bloody kind. Sweet guy and VERY VERY funny."